Subunit 1 Basic Psychological Processes and Culture
Article 3
Decision Making in Individualistic and
Collectivistic Cultures
C. Dominik Guess
Northern Illinois University,
Recommended Citation
Guess, C. (2004). Decision Making in Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures. Online Readings in
Psychology and Culture, 4(1).
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Decision Making in Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures
How do cultural values influence individuals ' decision making? One would expect answers to this question either from cognitive psychology or from cross-cultural psychology. Cognitive theories on decision making, however, rarely consider the factor of culture, and research in cross-cultural psychology deals only to a small extent with decision making. Therefore the study of culture and decision making is a relatively new and unexplored field. In this paper normative and descriptive approaches to decision making are discussed and three crosscultural studies on decision making in individualistic and collectivist cultures using different methodologies are described. The results are integrated into a model that can be helpful to derive specific hypotheses for further studies in this field.
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This article is available in Online Readings in Psychology and Culture:
Guess: Decision Making in Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures
Decision Making
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