Cross Cultural Communication
According to Cheesebro, O’Connor, and Rios (2010) “there are six principles in cross-cultural communication.” The first of these principles states that the more culture and language differences between people the more the likelihood of a communication breakdown. The second principle says when there is a communication breakdown it is often thought to be because of cultural differences. The reality is that these breakdowns are often the result of a misunderstanding. The third principle says that communicating across cultures helps you to stop and think about what you are saying and how you are saying it. This means that people will choose their words more carefully, and ask questions that clarify the situation. “The fourth principle states that cultures vary with respect to the number and kind of ‘do’s and taboos’ that are required of its members” (Cheesebro, O 'Connor, & Rios, 2010). Some cultures have very strict rules that must be followed in order to have a relationship with others in that group. The fifth principle suggests that learning about the norms and variations in communication styles of a particular culture group will assist in understanding the group. The sixth principle emphasizes seeing others as friendly, and trustworthy will make barriers easier to overcome (Cheesebro, O 'Connor, and Rios (2010).
Cultural considerations must be made when it comes to health care. One must understand their cultural views and those of the patient. Without knowing the different cultural customs a family has, will significantly increase the barrier of communication. In some cultures, addressing the patient by their first name is perfectly okay, while in others, it is seen as a sign of disrespect. This will present with a communication barrier quite often. “Respect for the belief system of others and the effects of those beliefs on well-being are critically important to competent care” (Cultural Competency, 2008). Something else that must be accounted for is the
Bibliography: Cheesebro, T., O 'Connor, L., & Rios, F. (2010). Communicating in the Workplace. Upper Stadle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Cultural Competency. (2008). Retrieved from Cultural Diversity: