Personal reflection about Cross-cultural Communication and interaction Executive summary
The report is aimed to reflect on the researcher’s personal experience during the module by combining relevant academic theories and concepts. It first explores the application of Cross-Cultural Theory and Concepts to the PALS groups. Second, it focuses on the reflection from perspective of self and other individuals. Third, it focuses on reflecting on the cross-cultural interaction. Fourth, it mainly discusses the cultural diversity and performance based on a personal experience. Fifth, it proposes some suggestions for how to improve effectiveness of cultural diverse group. For improving effectiveness of cultural diverse group, it is suggested that individuals should make efforts in enhancing language competency, learning communication style and conflict management styles in different cultures. For the organization, it should offer cross-cultural trainings and develop a two-way communication mechanism.
Table of contents
1. Introduction
Globalization has acted a major driving force reshaping our thinking and behaviors. Some researchers argue that globalization may result in clash of culture; conversely, many other researchers argued that globalization inspires us to cultural collisions (Bird, 2009). The module has covered cross-cultural theories. The report intends to reflect on the researcher’s personal experience during the module by combining relevant academic theories and concepts. It will explore the application of Cross-Cultural Theory and Concepts to the PALS groups. Second, it focuses on the reflection from perspective of self and other individuals. Third, it focuses on reflecting on the cross-cultural interaction. Fourth, it mainly discusses the cultural diversity and performance based on a personal experience. Fifth, it proposes some suggestions for how to improve effectiveness of cultural diverse group.
2. The Application of
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