Yash Karnik (483), Tanvi Swami (498), Ritesh Saurab (499), Ritanshu Mai (533), Vijaya Laxmi Manne (477)
Group 7
What is important about Germany?
Germany is an industry leader in areas such as automobiles and healthcare, to name a few. With globalization and reducing trade boundaries Germany has in fact become a trade partner for many Indian firms. Thus understanding business etiquettes, culture and protocol will supplement international businessmen and enhance cross cultural negotiation.
The Rational German:
Based on research findings, Germany’s geographical location and history have had a substantial effect on its culture and thus on the way that Germans negotiate. Some historical events helps us understand more about Germany, its people and the effects on negotiations:
Pre-Unification Era:
Before Charles V formed Prussia, Germany was largely comprised of small princely states (similar to India) in conflict with each other over resources. This brought upon the Germans a constant state of uncertainty and continuous battle. This however also made the Germans tough and seasoned negotiators.
Unification & Prussia:
This era was also responsible to developing many traits of the German culture which are insightful for deriving value out of a negotiation. With the formation of Prussia came – economic stability, growth and social structure. Germans preferred the certainty of an economically stable state and developed a keen sense of hierarchy. As the German state began to develop – so did the socio-political structure. Germans thus over the years formed very bureaucratic agencies of governance through methodical planning and reason.
World Wars:
Both the world wars left Germany crippled. However, Hitler’s action made certain that Germany would have to heavily rely on diplomatic relations before considering the use military force. It also made Germans develop a sense of fairness when dealing
References: * http://books.google.co.in/books?id=0b6DChPi0UUC&pg=PA60&lpg=PA60&dq=why+are+germans+logical+?&source=bl&ots=UAyhMKCScy&sig=3Nxe8sfCspiubwZel99itdZ3QxI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=OZfUUK6bHY_rrQevl4CQDg&ved=0CGcQ6AEwCTgK#v=onepage&q=why%20are%20germans%20logical%20%3F&f=false * http://www.german-business-etiquette.com/22-successful-negotiations.html