(1) Introduction……………………………………………………………………………2
(2) Cross- cultural Analysis……………………………………………………………….2
(3) Aims of cross-cultural analysis………………………………………………………..2
(4) Hofstede and his 5 dimensions………………………………………………………...3 (4.1) Limitations of Hofstede’s model…………………………………………………………..4
(5) Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner model…………………………………………..4
(5.1) Limitations of Trompenaars and Turner model…………………………………………4
(6) European Cultural Diversity……………………………………………………………5
(7) Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….6
(8) Bibliography……………………………………………………………………..7
(9) Web References…………………………………………………………………………..7
(A) Critical review of cross-cultural models
Culture has played an important role in the evolution of humans enabling them to adapt the environment to their own needs instead of depending solely on natural selection to achieve success in all walks of life. Culture typically is made of customs, ideas beliefs, customs, codes, techniques, tools, taboos, symbols, rituals and ceremonies. Every society has created its own culture which is unique to its society.
Culture is characterised mainly of three components which are explained as below:
Values – Ideas which are considered important in life can be termed as values.
Norms – Different people behave differently in various situations. Norms can be understood as the expectations of how people react to these situations.
Artefacts - Artefacts are manufactured by men who reflect the culture’s values and norms. (2) Cross- cultural Analysis
In 19th century, renowned anthropologists Edward Burnett Tylor and Lewis H Morgan have performed first cross-cultural analysis. Both Anthropology and Social Anthropology have made significant progress from the stages of Victorian England’s lower savagery to civilization. The concept of culture can be understood as a response against to those Western concepts and
References: i. http://ezinearticles.com/?How-To-Understand-Cross-Cultural-Analysis&id=403111 ii. http://www.itapintl.com/facultyandresources/articlelibrarymain/the-use-and-misuse-of-questionnaires-in-intercultural-training.html iii. http://www.blurtit.com/q410358.html iv. http://www.blurtit.com/q792848.html v. http://ivythesis.typepad.com/2010/07/what-are-the-limitations-on-hofstedes-and-globe-studies.html vi. http://www.wright.edu/~scott.williams/LeaderLetter/culture.htm