Summary 2
Introduction 3
1 Evaluations of factors which should be taken into account when deciding whether a local manager should be appointed or a current KeepWell Manager relocated to take over the leadership of each new site. 3
1.1. Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions 3
1.1.1. The Five Dimensions of Culture 3
• Power/Distance 3
• Individualism 4
• Masculinity 4
• Uncertainty/Avoidance Index 5
• Pragmatism 5
2 Prioritise the factors which should be taken into account when deciding the type of individual, in terms of experience, skills and competencies, who should be appointed as the managers of the new sites. 7
2.1. Adoption of the Host Culture 7
2.2. International Business Experience 8
2.3. Self- Awareness 8
2.4. Sensitivity towards Cultural diversity 8
3. Critically evaluate the cultural issues which should be considered when identifying the style of leadership which should be adopted by these new managers. 9
3.1. Different Leadership Styles 9
3.1.1. Autocratic Leadership style 9
3.1.2. Democratic Leadership style 9
4.0. Conclusion 10
5.0. Recommendations 10
References 12
This report has been written to critically evaluate the leadership theory with more emphasis oncross cultural factors which exist (or not) in power relations within organisations. There are several aims or the objectives which have been set for the fulfilment of above task. The first objective was to evaluate the factors which should be taken into account when making decision whether local manager should be appointed or a current KeepWell Manager relocated to take over the leadership of each new site. The second objective was to set priority in the factors in terms of individual, experience, skills and competencies. The third objective was to critically evaluate the cultural issues. These have been lined with leadership. Based on this analysis, in the report some recommendations are also presented.
In the present report the aim is to analyse the
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