• CrossFit is, “functional movements that are constantly varied at high intensity.” CrossFit is a workout that focuses on constantly changing routines and movements. It is designed to test and train the entire body; to never let the body get comfortable. Aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing and other intensity regimens are all incorporated into CrossFit.
What is a CrossFit class like?
• It is hard to ever really know. Our trainer James Jernberg will work with you on that day’s particular workout. However, most classes range in the 30-60 minute time frame. The workout will incorporate movements from gymnastics, running, weightlifting and rowing. Each workout includes a warm-up and a cool down that includes some form of stretching. We work towards creating …show more content…
• Absolutely! CrossFit was designed for every person, in any stage of their fitness journey. CrossFit is always going to challenge you. We always encourage our members to push past their comfort zone and try new things. It is up to you what you take from CrossFit but here at Fiternal CrossFit we’re here to push all our members to their greatest potential.
I’ve heard that CrossFit can lead to injuries. Is this true?
• Injuries can happen from doing just about anything. However, CrossFit is more safe than some activities people perform daily. We take our members’ safety very seriously and that is why our trainers are certified CrossFit experts.. They will help teach you how to do your workout safely and correctly to help avoid injury.
I’m new to Stevens Point. Where can I learn more?
• There are a few places to check out Fiternal CrossFit. Our website at www.fiternalcrossfit@gmail.com or our Facebook page. You are also more than welcome to stop in at our gym at 19 Park Ridge Dr. Stevens Point, WI 54481. We have informational brochures and packets that provide you with all the information you’ll