Here are the benefits of cremation services:
Affordability: Cremation services can be much less expensive than a traditional funeral. There’s no need to pay for cemetery fee, headstone cost, casket, or burial site. The price of a cremation is usually as little as one-sixth of the expenses
of the price of a traditional burial.
More Disposition Options: Cremation gives the family the freedom to choose how to manage and dispose of the remains. They can choose to bury the remains in a cemetery or take the urn home.
Portability Of Remains: Some families want to feel that their departed loved ones are still with them. With cremation services, the surviving family members can easily keep the cremated remains of their loved ones with them.
More Time To Plan The Funeral: Cremation gives you more time to grieve for your deceased family members. Unlike traditional burial services, there’s no need to rush the funeral because you won’t have to worry about the conditions of the body of the deceased.
The Crowe’s Funeral Homes is a family-owned business that understands the importance of family and what a difference the solidarity of community can make during hard times. Their caring staff has been one of Queens’ most-respected local funeral homes for almost seven decades now. To avail of their affordable cremation services, call them now at (718) 558-0921 or visit their website to learn more about their programs and services.