A key factor in time management is having well organized goals with an Action Plan. Create an Action Plan for your educational goals and be sure to include short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. Before you do this part of the assignment, make sure you have reviewed the Unit 2 Online Lecture (dealing with Action Plans). My Long term goals are to have a Bachelor’s Degree in Network Security and graduating with a 3.5 GPA. My mid-term goal would be to get as many certification while in school as possible and to work hard making good grades. My short term goals would be to continue on my path of completing assignments on time, and making my To-Do…
Time management becomes crucial to the students’ success. However, there is a difficulty in acclimating prior schedules to meet current demands. More so, students are…
A few years ago, the University of California created a program for introduction to the medical school program for the “disadvantaged and minorities.” These “disadvantaged” applicants, along with the other applicants that weren’t minorities, first had to go through the regular admissions program. Each student was reviewed according to his Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), outside work, recommendation letters, and overall grade point averages.…
Essay 23: Common Myths about Medical School Acceptance Myths abound about the gauntlet that medical school applicants must survive just to become medical students. To hear people describe the process, it sounds as harrowing as basic training in the Marine Corps. On the other hand, every legend contains some truth. So let’s cut through the layers of exaggeration and get to the kernels of truth. Myth #1 - You need a 4.0 GPA in college to get into medical school.…
The next part of my journey consists of going to medical school, getting an internship, as well as completing residency afterward. The medical school will last up to 4 years with the internship combined into the last 2 years of being in medical school. Internship and residency combined are usually between 3 to 8 years (How to Become a Physician or Surgeon). All states require physicians and surgeons to be licensed. To qualify for a license, I must graduate from an accredited medical school, complete residency training in a specialty that I choose, and pass written and practical exams. There are many different graduate schools that are really great but the three that I have real interests for are PITT School of Medicine, Oregon Health Science…
The journey to medical school has by no means been an effortless one. Choosing the non-traditional route to complete my studies has not only equipped me with the maturity necessary to excel in medical school, but also the knowledge required to overcome the challenges I may encounter during my journey. Upon completing my undergraduate studies at FSU, I subsequently went on to complete additional post baccalaureate science courses at both Miami Dade College and Florida International University. Also, I have recently completed my Masters degree in Biomedical Science at Barry University. During my undergraduate and graduate years, I maintained full time employment, which has taught me the art of time management; a trait I believe will be essential to my success while in…
As a college student, I see myself facing this issue almost all the time. Time management. It is extremely difficult knowing how to productively pass the time and get things done. When all these distractions come in the way of study time or homework, it is that much harder for someone to put all of their focus on what it is they should be doing. Because of poor time management, college students often see themselves performing poorly in the classroom. Knowing how to manage time efficiently, means knowing how to prioritize and how to have self-control.…
Time management is the biggest hurdle that I have to overcome. I have to set personal aside and focus what the strategies for me to success in college to get a degree. Being a great model for my children is just motivation trigger an ideal. Action is the doer to get a degree, but I have to tackle one step at a time. Controlling my time will lead to a high responsibility to finish my degree and being a super…
A crucial amount of changes enter one's life when stepping into a higher level institution. One has more independence and responsibility of one's own actions and decisions. In order to pay all the expenses, students get jobs. Consequently, time becomes an obstacle when one has to juggle course work as well as his or her job. A few strategies that help deal with this issue include forming a personal schedule and setting reminders, planning ahead and keeping journals, and exercise.…
This experience allowed me to realize exactly which skills I possess and which I am the best at expressing, teaching me a lot about myself but also about what I would like to improve on. This is where the “unwritten curriculum” of university becomes extremely important, as it has already allowed me to build on many skills which I had struggled with previously; skills such as time-management, focus, independence and abstract thinking. All qualities which seem relatively simple, yet without constant practice are not as easily remembered. Looking at time-management; “the total TMB [time management behaviour] was found to be significantly correlated with role ambiguity, somatic tension, job and life satisfaction, self-related performance and GPA.”1 This finding, although seems relatively straight forward allows for students such as myself to understand that the skill of time-management has many positive effects in ones life; academically and…
The third aspect is to organize your time. Organization is always vital because it will help you better in life. Organize goals by levels of importance. Use critical thinking when organizing your goals. The level of importance plays a vital role simply because you don’t want to put off the things that should take precedence over everything else. To be an effective college student and learner, you always should use organization and time management to complete assignments.…
Berne E. (1964) The Games People Play: the Psychology of Human Relations, New York: Grove Press…
Within the next five years I have hoped I had finished college and had starting my first year in medical school. I plan on going on to Rhode Island College, after graduating from Classical High School, and major in Biology. After 4 years and receiving my Bachelors in biology, I would hope that I get accepted into Brown University Alpert Medical School. With the partial scholarship to Rhode Island College and the wonderful network their biology program has with Alpert Medical School, I should have no problem achieving this five year goal. The only thing in my way is time.…
The stress of medical school is unlike any academic based stress that I have encountered before. Although the stress is bearable, I am far from mastering its effects on my day to day life. Medical school stress is unique to medical students and thus makes it hard to verbalize to my peers in other academic settings. For example, my friends working in jobs this year have no concept of how much more work I am doing then they are, for none of the pay. Feeling isolated from my lifelong friends has been more stressful to me than anything else. The work needs to be done and thus,…
The concept of this material is to acknowledge positive traits that help improve stress management, while making good use of time. A student who can use skills to alleviate stress and manage their time will prosper in the long run. The main strategies I have focused on are; staying relaxed and maintaining a balanced diet with a good sleep routine, establishing goals, and the A.B.C. Value Rating by George Washington University (GWU). Hopefully, utilizing these strategies will result in a stress-free, healthier life.…