A confluence of intellectual, social, economic and political forces; crucibles test your patience, belief systems and core values. When you are open to learning from your mistakes, problems and failures, you become a strong leader. You gain the followers’ trust, and they are eager to produce their best work for you. Leadership crucibles require you to examine your values, question your assumptions and neutralise your judgments. The most assuring signs of effective leadership are your ability to find a positive meaning in negative events, learning from trying circumstances and inspiring others to grow through their tenacious phases of life.
So, what is a Crucible?
To a scientist, a crucible is a vessel in which substances are …show more content…
So, what are those essential skills of successful leaders and those that allow a person to find meaning from an adverse experience?
1. Adaptive Capacity: Why is it that some people extract wisdom from even the harshest experiences while others continue to flail? In the words of the English naturalist, geologist and biologist, Charles Darwin: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”
Crucibles set the stage for adaptation. We are forced to develop new competencies that prepare us for future challenges. Some people are more adaptive than others. In many ways, their capacity to change hinges on our ability to think creatively; to look at a problem and spot unconventional solutions etc. Adaptive leaders can entertain opposing views. They learn to thrive in the face of uncertainty and negativity. They can tolerate ambiguity and consider multiple options, without defaulting to short-term thinking or premature decision-making.
Learn to Be a …show more content…
• Why was this experience so challenging for me? (List all reasons.)
• What was the most stressful, challenging or hard-to-endure point in my story?
• How did I resolve the crucible experience at the time?
• In retrospect, how would I reframe it today?
• What resources did I have at the time, compared to those I have now?
• Which emotional scars must be healed for me to become a better leader?
• What fundamental insights did my crucible teach me?
Crucibles Create Strong Leaders
Bennis and Thomas explain that the most reliable indicators and predictors of true leadership is our ability to find meaning from negative events and to learn from even the most trying circumstances. The skills required to conquer adversity and emerge stronger and more committed than ever are the same ones that make for extraordinary leaders. Leaders who recognise this will develop and lead organizations with a positive organizational climate.Each crucible experience changes you for the better. After each crucible, you do not return to the same life as before, but become better after the life-changing event – even if you did not realise it at the