Most were servants to fulfill different …show more content…
The slaves of Romans were subject to many different types of cruelty. They were bred like stallions, creating a new breed of gladiator born in captivity. The women slaves were tormented and raped on a constant bases. Women and men were forced to do unspeakable acts against each other and themselves making it impossible for them to return to a normal life even if they were to be freed from their captors. Spartacus began to train and teach the men and women combat and battle fighting to defend themselves. The Romans pursued Spartacus and his army pushing them into the mountains. Winter was setting in and the Romans cut the gladiator and his people off by digging a really large ditch making it impossible for the sick and starving runaway slaves to devise a way to move around the Roman troops. Crixus his longtime friend and trusted ally decided to go a different direction all together this would prove to be a terrible mistake. Crixus along with those to decide we slaughtered. "Murum aries attigit" - "The ram has touched the wall." Romans had the policy that held that once an assault has begun, accept no mercy or quarter. The ram touching the wall referred to the battering ram in an assault. Take it to mean "Grant no mercy!" (Woleslagle 2007). Had they kept their numbers together who knows what they would have …show more content…
In the end a Roman commander named Marcus Crassus defeated Spartacus. Spartacus decided to take a southern route instead of going through the Alps which sent Rome into a panic. He was killed near Italy as was over 6000 men and women who were in his company till the end. To teach all slaves a lesson they crucified all 6000 slaves but Spartacus’s body was never found or put up for display (Andrews 2015). According to different articles and history archives Spartacus and his people were able to live and fight for their freedom for a little over three years before being brought down by legions of the Roman army. The weapons that the gladiators were able to make off with when escaping were extremely heavy. The sword alone was eighteen inches of steal and the shield a disk shaped thick steal. The gladiators were able to use their weapons with the grace of a ballet dancer making the weapons looks a light as feathers. Their precision and skillful combat techniques in which they maneuver their heavy weapons gives testimony to their true