They said Steve Biko was a man of violence; then why did he talk of peace? They said he wanted revolution; so why did he talk of friendship? They said he died of hunger; why was his body broken and bruised? This is the story of a man's fight with the government of South Africa. It is the story of all people who prefer truth to lies. It is the story of all people who cry 'Freedom', and who are not afraid to die.....
Chapter 1- The Beginning * Donald Woods, editor of Daily Dispatch decided to print out pictures of police beating up BLACKS (Africans) which was not allowed, as the main story of the newspaper. Woods was still prejudice towards the blacks. * Dr Mamphela Ramphes had a arguments with Woods about Woods’ editorial on Biko, saying “BANTU STEPHEN BIKO- THE UGLY THREAT OF BLACK RACISM” * Dr Ramphes said Woods should meet Biko himself because Woods had a wrong understanding about Biko * Stephen Biko was banned by the government to step away from his house
Chapter 2- The Beginning * Woods went to see Biko at King Williams Town. It’s a trip that changes both men’s’ life forever * After going through couple of doors, He finally met Steve Biko, and it seems that Biko is expecting him. * Woods and Biko had a friendly talk. * Woods is amazed of what Biko is actually. It’s totally different from the one on the newspaper.
Chapter 3- Education of Liberal * Biko brought Woods to a clinic he started specially for the blacks. * Woods was amazed of the clinic for it helped many blacks. * Biko suggested bringing Woods to the black township. Woods agreed.
Chapter 4- Education of Liberal * Biko went on a taxi that drove him to the black township alongside Woods, who suffer squeezing in a taxi of 9 men. Woods was amazed because he never thought that a taxi can fit 9 persons * Biko and Woods witnessed scenes of black’s life in the township, despair and hopeless black community.