One person's code is another's challenge. Cryptanalysts are people who break codes. They're most important clue is how often certain letters and word's appear. In English, as and is occur most often, and the is the most common word. Code breakers first goal is to identify these frequently occurring letters. Then they’ll start to figure out the words the letters appear in. Once they know what the code uses to mean e and t, theyre able to find the word the. Then they'll know what the code uses for h. Its a hard job, but its rewards are many.
One person's code is another's challenge. Cryptanalysts are people who break codes. They're most important clue is how often certain letters and word's appear. In English, as and is occur most often, and the is the most common word. Code breakers first goal is to identify these frequently occurring letters. Then they’ll start to figure out the words the letters appear in. Once they know what the code uses to mean e and t, theyre able to find the word the. Then they'll know what the code uses for h. Its a hard job, but its rewards are many.