Freedoms is something everyone wants, needs, or desires. Since women in the 1920’s did not possess …show more content…
the right like today they were thought of as being lower than men. The right to vote in most areas was only allowed by men. A women should be free to make her own decisions and not have to rely on the opposite sex for her approval. Whether a women wants to have children or not have children should be a joint agreement and not something that is forced upon her (Eastman). This focus on people Pathos appealing to their emotions. Decisions made should be up to the individual.
Women began teaching education and even working in industrial jobs due to the lack of men available; due to WWI the lack of men created a need for people to fill those slots (Henretta).
If women are able to teach future leaders who grow up and govern the country, why are their rights limited compared to those they have taught. Few women were allowed the same education as men solely based on the fact they were women. Some states, such as Tennessee, at this point in time were making headway. Changing the laws and allowing women to vote instead of neglecting their rights and their place was to cook and keep the house going. It is only fair women are giving an opportunity to do the same stuff …show more content…
men From a young age men are taught to be helpless in the housework aspect.
Unfortunately, it was not a priority for those young men to help out in the home in-fact most didn’t even know where to begin. Although, this is something that could’ve been changed but it took many years to accomplish. Men just like women can work as a team on the housework and the daily title of breadwinner. Women’s occupation should not limited to “housework and child-raising” only because of their sex (Eastman). If a women wants to stay at home and take care of their families day-to-day needs they should be praised just like the men that have done the same. It sometimes takes both the man and woman to run a household and whichever chooses to complete the job from home is no different than that of the one working outside the home. Just because the men is normally the one going to work it does not necessarily mean that he is the sole decision maker. Just because the majority of women are not as strong as men it does not mean they cannot do the same job.
Lots of men admired a women who could support herself because the cost of living was so high (Eastman). Men liked the idea of their wives helping make extra income. However, the chores would not be split evenly. When the man comes home from work he usually relaxes while when a women has a job she comes home from work and then continues to take care of household responsibilities. Therefore, even if they contribute the same income the women is expected to
continue to do the other stuff as well. This in itself is unfair, why should someone do twice the work and continue to not have the same rights.
Women have been running the family affairs for years. Why only limit them to family affairs? If women can manage the household with little to no control from someone else. They should be able to make decisions regarding themselves and the better interest of the people. It is only fair that they can control their choices because they are mostly independent anyway. Women should be free to help make their choices along with men. Working as a team can get the family a lot further than it would if both the man and woman were constantly butting heads.
Works Cited
Eastman, Crystal. “Now We Can Begin.” Women’s History. 2012. Web. 11 May 2012.
A., Henretta, J., Edwards, Rebecca, Self, O.. America: A Concise History, Volume Two: Since 1865, 5th Edition. Bedford/St. Martin's, 01/2012. VitalBook file.