
Cs 5020 Unit 5 Report

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Cs 5020 Unit 5 Report
Internship in CS 5020
Name: Sreya Kakkerla
Student Id: 700655887
Designation: Program Analyst
In the last two weeks of Internship, I have practiced some more concepts in Dot Net. Here I am attaching my practice session screenshots. The topics are exceptions, enums, Generics, Delegates.

Inner Exception and Exception handling abuse:



These are some screenshots which I practiced daily after reviewing the concepts which I have learned in last two weeks and previous weeks. And I have learned some more other concepts they are:
Asp. Net Web API:
The term API stands for application programming interface web api is a framework for building web api’s that is HTTP base services
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HTTPverbGETmappedto- Get() or GetEmployees() or GetSomething()
Query String Parameters:
In the URI we are specifying gender using a query string parameter if the value of this parameter is all then we want the method to return all employees if it’s male then only male employees if it’s female then only female employees. Or if you want to list all employees then specify all.
FromBody and FromUri Attributes: If the parameter is a simple type like int, bool, etc., then Web API get the value from the URI. If it is Complex type like Student, Employee etc., then Web API get the value from the request body.
These are the concepts I have learned in the last two weeks. Now In last few weeks of this Internship I am going to Start a project of Real time example by using generics concept and also I am going to write the code on Html and Dot

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