Corporate Social Responsibility and Labor Unions How do CSR and Labor Unions influence each other
Table of ContentTable of Content
1. Introduction:2
2. Development and General Perception of CSR3
3. Position of Labor Unions today5
4. Labor Unions on CSR5
5. The possible reciprocal influences of Labor Unions and CSR6
5.1 Possible influences of Labor Unions on CSR6
5.2 Possible influences of CSR on Labor Unions7
5.2.1 Reorientation of Labor Unions7
5.2.2 CSR as a cause for the decline of Labor Unions7
5.2.3 Alternative hypothesis for the decline9
6. Conclusion9
7. References:10
Amount of words: 2602
1. Introduction:
Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR is a topic and a concept of ever growing importance in our modern world. Nowadays you cannot study management or work in a company without being confronted by it. Another institution which even if in decline still plays a major role in our society are Labor Unions. Seeing as the two have certain aspects and concepts in common one question we should ask ourselves is how do the two influence each other. Do they complete one another? Do they hinder each other? Or do they not influence each other very much. In my essay I am going to take a look at these questions and try to answer them.
The debate of the influence CSR and Labor Unions have on each other is not restricted to a specific geographical area, but a phenomenon that has been studied in America as well as Europe although with somewhat different findings and different focuses due to unlike historical backgrounds and economic systems (LMEs vs CMEs). However I will not focus on the reasons for deviating findings in America and Europe. Instead I am going to concentrate on exploring the different ways in which both influence each other and possible reasons for it.
Furthermore in my essay I am going to take a specific look at the new notion put forward by some economists that management has actively used CSR as a
References: Baldwin, Robert E. (2003): The Decline of US Labor Unions and the Role of Trade. Massachusetts: Institute for International Economics. Guthrie, D. (2012): Corporate Social Responsibility: Cheaper than a Pension Fund, in: Forbes Guthrie, D.; Durand, R Vijayta Doshi, Pradyumana Khokle (April 1, 2012): An Institutional Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility, in: The Journal for Decision Makers