A. Short history of CSR
In the global context, the term CSR into use since the 1970s and increasingly popular, especially after the attendance book Cannibals With Forks: The Triple Bottom Line in the 21st Century Business (1998), by John Elkington. Developing three essential components of sustainable development, namely economic growth, environmental protection, and social equity, which was initiated by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in the Brundtland Report (1987), Elkington CSR packed into three focus: 3P, abbreviation of profit , planet and people. Good company is not just chasing a mere economic gain (profit). But also has a concern for the preservation of the environment (planet) and social welfare (people).
In Indonesia , the term CSR is used increasingly popular since the 1990s . Some companies actually have been doing CSA ( Corporate Social Activity ) or " corporate social activity " . Although not named as CSR , in fact the action closer to the concept of CSR which represents a form of " participation " and " concern " to the company's social and environmental aspects . Through the concept of corporate social investment " seat belt " , since 2003 the Ministry of Social recorded as government agencies that are active in developing the concept of CSR and advocate various national companies . Social care establishments primarily based on the reason that the company's activities have an impact - for better or worse , the environmental conditions and social-economic communities , particularly around the company operates . In addition , the owner of the company is actually not just shareholders. But also the stakeholders , namely the interested parties to the existence of the company .
Stakeholders may include employees and their families, customers, suppliers, local community companies, non-governmental organizations, the media and the government as regulator. Types and relative priorities of different