Recycling in Stores
In most of the Starbuck stores, it recycles at least one type of waste, such as cardboard or milk jugs. Apart from recycle the waste, Starbuck also focused on what can they do to make recycling easier for the company. Moreover, Starbuck store in USA are working with mayors and local authorities in major cities to help increase commercial recycling opportunities across the country (Recycle, 2011). Starbuck have also held three Cup Summits to bring together all Starbuck cups supply chain to cooperation and improve the ability to recycle cups (Starbuck success on cup recycle, 2009-2012).
Reusable Cups
Starbuck had eliminated nearly 1.45 million pounds of paper out of landfills by encourage consumer to use a reusable cup like tumbler cup. Starbuck had set up the goal to serve 25 percent of the beverages made in the stores in reusable cups by 2015.It has been encourage both employee and the consumer to reduce waste by using reusable cups instead of 1 times use of paper and plastic cups. Due to it encouragement, since 1985 Starbuck rewarded customers with a discount for using the travel tumblers cup. And this has been successfully as in 2010 customers brought their own tumblers into the stores more than 32 million times. Moreover, Starbuck had launched a special campaign during the month of April, which is on 15 of April 2010, that customers who brought their tumblers into stores were offered a free brewed coffee. As a result more than 1.2 million