B. Yellow lines (broken or solid) indicate what type of traffic flow: broken: passing is allowed, solid: passing is prohibited…
Commuters pose a challenge to town planners for various reasons, although they account for a small percentage of travelers. Commuting takes place in two faces: the morning rush hour and the afternoon rush hour. This means that during these phases, the transport system undergoes much stress because of the spike in the number of users. This can be credited to the fact that people live and work in different places and that there is a uniform work time in the country. Work starting at 8-9 a.m. and ending at 5-6 p.m., this means that commuters have some special needs and requirement in so far as traveling is concerned. So, they require speedy and dependent transportation. In addition to this, there is the growing need to keep the commuters informed…
B. Yellow lines (broken or solid) indicate what type of traffic flow: Yellow lines indicate traffic flowing in both directions.…
Upgraded bus stops along the route providing better waiting areas an information, including new shelters with lighting and seating to make waiting for the bus safer and more comfortable, textured paving to help people with visual impairments, raised kerbs to make it easier for people with mobility problems and electronic information about waiting times.…
This example shows the confusion the people had, and how uncertain things were for them, they didn’t know who was going to come through the gate next or who was going to leave.…
The white line means traffic in both lanes is traveling in the same direction. The broken lines indicate that drivers may change lanes.…
In James Somers article “Why New York Subway Lines Are Missing Countdown Clocks” (2015), Somers looks at the old New York subway system and compares it to the newly efficient and safe subway system called communications-based train control, or CBTC. First, Somers mentions that in the old New York subway system the tracks are separated into sections which display an occupied or vacant track. In contrast, he states that each train supported by the CBTC system is carrying a radio and onboard controller that determines its precise location which is later used to decide how fast it can safely travel. Second, Somers mentions that the CBTC system allows for trains to run in multiple directions. In contrast, he states that the old subway system allows…
According to the survey results in figure 2, 47.5% of respondents travel in the evening time, 22.5% in the morning, 15% in the afternoon and late evening. This may suggest that evening time (4.30pm -9pm) is the peak time as more travellers taking the train during that time.…
B. Yellow lines (broken or solid) indicate what type of traffic flow: traffic flowing in both directions.…
They favour the passers-by and people who are on the road, protecting them from danger in terms of the colour. They are more visible for people with visual impairment to prevent them walking into them.…
to describe, in an open-ended format, additional issues that may have been obstacles in their…
The purpose of this report is to alleviate the problems with traffic due to the high number…
In “The Trolley Problem” two scenarios are given to the reader. The first scenario is that the reader is a passerby that happens to be standing near a switch that could change the course of the trolley. The trolley is no longer in control and if it continues, it will kill the five people that are standing on the tracks ahead. Over to the side, there is another track that only has one person on it. The reader is given the choice to pull the switch the change the trolleys course onto the track that will only kill one person or to let the trolley remain on course and kill five people. The second scenario is that the reader is now standing on a bridge over the tracks and next to you is a stranger that is large enough to stop the trolley. In order for that to happen, the reader would have to push the stranger off of the bridge and onto the tracks. This would kill the stranger but save the five lives standing on the tracks ahead.…
2. The second step in analytical problem solving was short circuited because they did not generate alternative solutions. (p. 175) Because Dodge was the only one who saw that the fire had crossed the gulch and he did not share that information, the others were not able to share any alternative solutions to maintaining the fire. Because other alternatives were not discussed, step 3 “Evaluate and select an alternative” (p. 175) was skipped entirely. In addition, step 4 “Implement and follow up on the solution” was also skipped. Dodge should have relayed the information to everyone but instead, it caused a total breakdown in the steps of problem solving.…
The chalk circle is a symbol of truth. Within the circle, all will be revealed. In the play, Azdak cannot come to a rational decision on who should have the child. His methods of justice are not by the Book of Statutes he sits upon. By putting the women in a circle and observing them act towards the child, he can see which woman is best for it. The circle levels the playing ground, removing the advantage of money or rank or history. There are no distractions to the problem or its solution. Azdak lets justice reveal itself.…