College ID:0543404
Thomas Edison State College
Semester and year:Nov14
Written Assignment #2
Review Questions:
1.Convert each of the binary numbers to decimal numbers:
A. 2
B. 4
C. 7
D. 11
E. 12
F. 18
G. 21
H. 31
I. 205
J. 227
2.Convert each of the decimal numbers to binary:
A. 111
B. 10011
C. 11100
D. 101110
E. 111001
F. 1010110
G. 1011110
H. 1110000
I. 10010100
J. 11100110
3.Convert each of the octal numbers to decimal numbers:
A. 30
B. 68
C. 80
D. 142
E. 240
F. 846
4.Convert each of the octal numbers to binary numbers:
A. 111100
B. 1011000
C. 10101000
D. 1101001000
E. 10101101001
F. 10110011100
5.Convert each of the hexadecimal numbers to decimal numbers:
A. 90
B. 199
C. 2485
D. 422
6.Convert each of the hexadecimal numbers to binary numbers:
A. 01001100
B. 11101000
C. 011011010010
D. 001100011011
7.Convert each of the decimal numbers to BCD:
A. 0001 0100 0110
B. 0011 1000 1001
C. 0001 0110 0111 1000
D. 0010 0101 0000 0010
8. What is the most important characteristic of gray code?
Gray code does not use position weighting. Only one bit changes at a time, so the speed of transition is considerably faster than other codes.
9. What makes the binary system so applicable to computer systems?
Digital circuits can easily distinguish between two voltage levels, which can be related to the binary digits 1 and 0. Therefore, the binary system can easily be applied to PLCs and computer systems.
10.Define the following:
A. Bit- Each digit of a binary number
B. Byte- A group of 8 bits
C. Word- A group of two or more bytes
D. LSB- The digit that represents the smallest value.
E. MSB- The digit that represents the largest value.
11. State the base used for each:
A. Octal-8
B. Decimal-10
C. Binary-2
D. Hexadecimal-16
13. Explain the difference between the 1's compliment of a number and the 2's compliment.
In 1's complement a negative number is represented by taking all the bits in the positive number and inverting