U.S navy came to conclusion that the explosion was due to a mine. The Americans took this as an opportunity to start a war with the Spanish for Cuban independence.
Theodore Roosevelt played a major role in this war for several of reasons.
National Park Services the website captured how eager Roosevelt was in this quote, “Roosevelt resigned his post of Assistant Secretary of the Navy and petitioned Secretary of War Alger to allow him to form a volunteer regiment.” He stepped down from a “bigger” position to form a regiment of men to fight alongside him in a battle to overthrow the Spanish power in Cuba. This takes determination and hunger, showing how much this actually meant to him. The Spanish American war was significant, it allowed the US to branch out and gain control over the Philippines. This benefits The United States because it places them closer to Asian markets. Also allowing them to base some military efforts on their land. This war was significant because it would lead to Theodore roosevelt becoming our 26th president. He was the youngest to gain power and history states that he was an energetic leader that explored with many new
Roosevelt was determined to make The United States a more versatile and properly functioning place. Even is this meant building canals in foreign countries. He seemed to care for both the people and the land. (state parks) One of the many ideas that were implemented was the Laws to decrease adulteration and misbranding were enacted “Roosevelt pushed Congress to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act, in 1906. It required active ingredients be placed on the label of a drug’s packaging and that drugs could not fall below purity levels established by the US Pharmacopeia.” We still use this till this day, showing that this law is still relevant and needed. This allowed the people and corporations to track important information regarding the foods they ate. The United States was not justified in going to war against Spain, not only because American diplomats were already negotiating with Spain before the war in order to achieve a peaceful settlement, but furthermore, the reasons the United States had for going to war were illegitimate the dubious Monroe doctrine pushed the United States to regard all European presence in the Western Hemisphere as illegitimate; Spain’s mistreatment of the Cuban population was an insufficient reason for war;
The Spanish American war benefited cuba, they were able to become independent from the spanish. The Cuban people were not being treated right prior to the war. Some were forced to