Thank you for providing the California Department of Transportation (Department) the opportunity to review and comment on the Draft Initial Study for the City’s San Antonio Water Company’s Proposed Cucamonga Crosswalls Maintenance Project (Project). The Project facility is located in the Cucamonga Creek Wash in an unincorporated area of the County (San Antonio Heights) and in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, immediately north of the City of Upland’s corporate boundary.
The proposed project consist of two phases: 1) to excavate approximately 200,000 cubic yards of aggregate material from the north side of the Cucamonga Dam and repair the existing …show more content…
crosswalls over a period of approximately seven months between mid to late 2015; and 2) to allow the contractor/operator to sort, stockpile, and haul approximately 600,000 tons of new and existing material off the North Campus Avenue interchange on the 210 freeway within five years.
As the owner and operator of the State Highway System, it is our responsibility to coordinate and consult with local jurisdictions when proposed development may impact our facilities. As the responsible agency under the California Environmental Quality Act, it is also our responsibility to make recommendations to offset associated impacts with the proposed project.
The Department is a responsible agency on this project, has reviewed the draft initial study and has the following recommendations:
• For the purposes of the second phase of the project, a double-dump configuration was assumed with each truck capable of carrying 25 tons of material, and hauling five loads per day for an average distance of 10 miles. Therefore, on a typical day where 2,500 tons of material would leave the site, a total of 100 truck trips and up to 20 trucks completing five round trips. The transportation permit is required for vehicles/load exceeding limitations on size and weight for the use of the State Highway System. When height of load exceeds legal limit, it becomes the responsibility of the permittee to check all underpasses, over-crossings, bridges, overhead wires or other structures for impaired vertical clearance and to arrange clearance or request alternate routing before commencing travel. In accepting the permit, the permittee agrees to repair at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the District Director of Transportation, any damage to highway appurtenances or structures resulting from travel under this permit.
Transportation Permit
Caltrans has the discretionary authority to issue special permits for the movement of vehicles/loads exceeding statutory limitations on the size, weight, and loading of vehicles contained in Division 15 of the California Vehicle Code. Requests for such special permits require the completion of a Transportation Permit.
For information regarding Transportation Permit application for travel within the State of California contact:
Transportation Permits Office
P.O. Box 942874, MS #41
Sacramento, CA 94274-0001
Main number: (916) 322-1297 • To ensure the safety of the traveling public, highway workers, and permittees and to protect the State’s and public’s investment in the highway facility, an encroachment permits is required to enter state highway right-of-way from the Department (Encroachment Permits Manual-100).
Permit Requirements
Issuance of a Caltrans Encroachment Permit will be required for any work or construction performed within, under, or over the State Right-of-Way. All comments above should be addressed prior to proceeding with the Encroachment Permit process. Review and approval of street, grading, and drainage construction plans will be necessary prior to permit issuance. Information regarding permit application and submittal requirements may be obtained at:
Caltrans Office of Encroachment Permits
464 West 4th Street, Basement, MS 619
San Bernardino, CA 92401-1400 These recommendations are preliminary and summarize our review of materials provided for our evaluation. Please continue to keep us informed of this project and other future updates, which could potentially impact the State Highway System and interfacing Transportation Facilities. If you have any questions or need to contact us, please do not hesitate to contact Adrineh Melkonian (909) 806-3928 or myself at (909)