Cultural diversity is normal in society today. People come from different races, cultures, and backgrounds. People have to learn the importance of respecting the culture of others. Everyone can learn from others. Superiority does not exist because of an individual’s culture. Some people from different cultural backgrounds believe that he or she is better than others but this is an untruth.
Cultural concerns can have a negative influence on justice and security administration. Stereotyping because of an individual’s culture is a problem in society. Good people exist in every race and so do not so good people. One person of a specific culture making a mistake does not mean that the entire culture of people will make the same mistake. People of different cultures do not always receive fair treat in the justice system. An example of this would be an African American male who is serving 20 years in prison because he was falsely indentified during a lineup.
People have to be willing to acknowledge that he or she is not sure that the individuals in the lineup are the guilty party. Some people like to say that African Americans look alike. This is not true. Some people may have similar features but this does not mean that he or she looks alike. African Americans are often not hired for certain positions for fear that he or she will not be honest. This type of behavior and thinking should not occur in the criminal justice system.
Society has to learn to treat people fair. This will not be an easy task for many people. In society it is normal to have favoritism. Many Hispanics or Mexicans are thought to be hard worker and that he or she will work for low wages. When a person is a hard worker he or she should be compensated by his or her pay. Many Hispanics or Mexicans do not speak proper English nor does he or she understand English well. This is a way for him or her to be taken advantage of in the criminal justice system.
The person will not say
References: Principles of good policing: Avoiding violence between police and citizens. (2003, September). Retrieved from The free dictionary. (2013). Retrieved from