Cultural Acclimatization of Expatriate Bangladeshis when Resettling in Bangladesh
Name: Mohammed Mosharrof Hasan
ID Number: 1120320530
Course: English 105, Section 5
Submitted To: Professor Shafqat Chaudhuri
Date: December 15, 2012
I wish to thank my professor for inspiring me to do this research paper. He helped me realize that it would be interesting to investigate my experiences in resettling in Dhaka City after spending practically my whole life abroad, and discover what others’ in my situation had to go through as well. I would also like to thank all those people who took the time to complete my survey. I would like to thank my parents and especially my eldest brother without whom I would not have managed to go through with all the steps needed to complete this research.
This paper will analyze the differences between young men and women who are resettling in Bangladesh from abroad in terms of difficulties faced in adjusting to life in Bangladesh. It investigates the necessity for the migration of people, especially from a poor developing country like Bangladesh in terms of searching for better opportunities elsewhere. It examines the possibilities of why those émigrés return back to Bangladesh. And it researches the changes that living abroad might effect on a person, and how those changes may affect him or her as they try to resettle back to their previous life prior to the migration. The paper explores the difficulties they may face especially concentrating on the differences between men and women. The research was conducted based on the hypothesis that females would face greater difficulties in terms of readjusting back to Bangladeshi lifestyle. The research also investigates the hypothesis that the time spent in the country previous to a person’s emigration abroad, will have a positively help them readjust to Bangladeshi life when they eventually return. The research concluded that