As a forensic anthropologist working on the “fox hollow murders” and examining the heavily fragmented and commingled remains that were found burned, different strategies and forensic methods were employed in recovering and identifying the victims. Some of the remains retrieved showed significant burns making it harder for forensic anthropologist to distinguish between the remains. Nonetheless, forensic anthropologists noted that there were two distinct types of states in which the remains were burned, a green state, and a dry state. The bones that were burned in a green states were easily recognized by the pronounced attachment of flesh to the bones and the fresh appearance of the remains, whereas the dry state didn’t have any flesh attached and was just bones (Ubelaker, 2008). Forensic anthropologist could also differentiate between the two types of burning states through the external changes that occurred to the bones as they were burned. In the green (fleshed) state, the bones displayed transverse fractures, had pronounced irregular longitudinal splitting along the bones, and considerable warping-which is bending and twisting of the bones to make it appear as though the bone was made of rubber and deformed intentionally (Ubelaker, 2008). However, remains burned in a dry state displayed none of these characteristics and produced less variation in fracture patterns and warping (Ubelaker, 2008).…
The dictionary definition of anthropology is the science of human beings; especially the study of human beings and their ancestors in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture. However, there is more to it—an anthropologist looks for connections between different cultures and their development. These connections are found by looking for specific patterns of behavior and thinking that are shared, called Cultural Universals. The four types of Cultural Universals are communication, values, physical objects, and ideals and religion. The novels Malcolm X: By Any Means Possible, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, and A Tugging String illustrated their main topics and themes through shared cultural universals.…
4. Kella: menstruating women were not allowed to work on a sacred/holy site (social taboo of stakeholders)…
2. Which social group (s) organize their lives around the lives of their animals? C…
Choose one of the following essay questions to address in an essay of 1,000 words. Be sure to include a works cited page with correct MLA citations. Essays must be typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman Font size 12, with one inch margins top, bottom and one and one-half inch margins on each side, and with your name, date, and the assignment title with draft number in the upper left hand corner of the paper. Your essay must use at least 3 sources. *Online study guides and dictionaries are not academic sources*…
E. Race is a social construct and is therefore a necessary tool for categorizing people of various cultures…
1. Your textbook describes Weber's famous secularization thesis in "The Protestant Ethic" (589-591). What does Weber think about the relationship between religion and political structures? America is presented as an exception to this thesis; why do you think the US does not show the same religious trends as those found in most other industrialized countries?…
Do you believe that someone should be penalized, or pinned down, in society, or the system, just because there skin color is a certain color, or because they are a different gender, or maybe even because there too tall or to short? This is of course called discriminating, or being racist, which brings up the question what is race? I had this same exact question which I would now like to know the answer too. I mean what the heck is race, and how deep does it really go?…
Anthropology can be defined in basic terms as the study of humankind. It incorporates the findings of many other fields such as biology, sociology, history and economics. Since the study of humankind is so broad, anthropology is divided into four major fields which are Cultural, Archeology, Physical and Linguistic. I have found that each of these fields has many specialized areas or subfields that can open the doors to a wide-variety of fascinating, interesting and even unexpected careers.…
2. Construct a model of cross-cultural misunderstanding, using the information presented by Lee in this article.…
I have lived in Mexico for the most part of my life and I also lived in the United States a couple years ago; language was never a barrier to me since I knew enough english to get around even if I was not sure if I was saying everything the correct way, I never felt intimidated by language until I arrived in France, at first it was very hard for me to get around due to the fact that I only knew a few words in french like “merci”, “mon amie”, “Je te aime” and “bonjour” of course it was not enough to even try, or at least that’s what I thought until I started trying to speak english to french people. Unlike experiences I’ve had in other countries before, in France it seemed impossible to find someone who spoke other language than their native one.…
Culture is the sum total of learned beliefs, values, and customs in which a people of a particular society live. Culture is dynamic and always changing but retains patterns that form its basic infrastructure. Many aspects of a people’s society make up one’s culture including religion, economy, language, politics, etc. Cultures are not finite and in many instances have there own number of sub cultures within them. This variation among cultures brings about man consequences between populations, which can be positive or negative. I have been given the task to use participant observation in order to form a complete report on the daily social interactions of humans in the Saint Louis area.…
Cultural Anthropology is the study of human cultures, their beliefs, practices, values, ideas, technologies, economies and other domains of social and cognitive organization. This field is based primarily on cultural understanding gained through first hand experience, or participant observation within living populations of humans.…
I sat along the west wide of the Hayes Valley Park in San Francisco, on a cold damp cement park bench, around four-thirty on a Friday afternoon. The day was bright, with lingering clouds over head; a chilly breeze was passing through in mild to quick bursts. There were approximately twenty-five people who stayed at the park during the entire observation; a bit difficult to track everyone coming from many directions. To the south was a dome shaped, play area with climbing ropes attached. In the center was a four-sided bronze in color, metal art piece, installed into the cement. It had a metal tree atop it, and the metal was decorated with…
The work of Dylan Kerrigan, put forth concerning Trinidadian heritage and ‘pre-history’ serves as a thought provoking piece, exposing myths that are accepted by the Caribbean people as facts. This is mostly due to a lack of available information on the Caribbean’s history and more specifically on the development of the Caribbean as the rich blend of many ethnicities and cultures, some of which have converged to form new ethnic groups and hybrid culture, which we know today as our own. This historical misrepresentation is especially concerning as it is given from only one point of view, that is the view of the ‘whites’ as ‘it can also be viewed as a form of ideological racial-boundary policing that protects the identity of a fabricated “whiteness,” and its essentialised superiority,’(Robinson, 1983). From the ‘whites’ also come the terms ‘prehistory’ and the more recent ‘multiculturalism.’ One can only wonder whether these terms were created for history, or was history fabricated to fit these terms. This paper has its core focus on highlighting the misrepresentation of the early Caribbean settlers, forged into written historical claims from the view of the ‘whites,’ in which the strengths of, and oppression faced by, the Caribbean people as well as the intermingling of cultures into the Caribbean we now know, has been discarded.…