Cultural Anthropology: Views on Lgbt Across Cultures
Essay # 4: Homosexuality/Transexuality/Intersexuality Different cultures across the world have developed various views on homosexuality. Most cultural perspectives developed from religious or humanitarian sources. Living in 21st Century America, I have personally witnessed some of the strides and struggles of GLBT (gay-lesbian-bisexual-transgender) youth. In the United States there exist laws that both promote sexual diversity and laws that restrict the complete rights of such individuals. On a more cultural than legal level, tolerance for this group of people has grown significantly. America is currently in the midst of cultural change. Nonetheless, this story does not hold true for other cultures. On one hand, the predominantly Islamic Middle East still holds some of the most legally and culturally restrictive positions on this issue. On the other, many of the surviving Native American groups at one point, if not still, hold the belief that those of blurred gender identity (either cross dressing or effeminate men) are of special regard. Not surprising, each of the aforementioned cultural groups share both similarities and differences amongst each other. America is very much in line with the rest of the Western World when it comes to the issue of homosexuality and such. Being a country of mostly Judeo-Christian roots, the vast majority of the population draws its morals and ethics from this source. The most widespread Christian view on homosexuality can be summed up with one quote: "Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion." (Romans 1:27). Therefore, it comes to no surprise that many in this country would openly regard homosexual behavior as a sin. Although the tolerance for this lifestyle has grown, the legality of the issue still trails behind. Open homosexuals are not publically criticized very much. In fact anyone who criticizes such individuals is often
Cited: Rafei, Raed. "Lebanon displays an increasing tolerance of gays." BOSTON NEWS. 02 July 2007. Web. 11 Nov. 2011.
Swidler, Arlene. Homosexuality and World Religions. Valley Forge, PA. Trinity Press International, 1993.
Blackwood, Evelyn. Sexuality and Gender in Certain Native American Tribes: The Case of Cross-Gender Females. Autumn 1984.