Cultural Appropriation is the means of borrowing features of one culture by members of a different cultural group. The term “Cultural Appropriation” is often negative, because the use of one cultural outside their minority, oppressed culture 's symbols or other cultural elements, music, dance, costume. A cultural exchange, on the other hand, can be an intentional act of bringing two or more people together to exchange information about their differing backgrounds to understand each other. Culture exchange may have positive or negative side depends on how people interact with the exchange. Cultural Appropriation is different from Cultural exchange; however, many people are making the misunderstanding between this two terms. …show more content…
Cultural Appropriation has the negative connotation, and this is true.
For example, for example, white musicians steal the musical stylings from black people. This problem still remains until 20th and 21st century; however, in 1950s, the use of black music style by white musician can be a problem because black musicians were the pioneer in their music but since White musician “steal” the sound of black musician and form the rock and roll, it became White’s music. Consequently, “borrowing” act became a financial problem because rock and roll went success and the founder of the art “African American” has no contribution or any pay for their art. On the other example, Non-native Americans, who wears war bonnets, can be considering as Cultural Appropriation. According to Ruth Hopkins Ruth (2010),” the only people who should be wearing war bonnets are chiefs or well-respected warriors, like Tatanka Iyotanka, Chief Sitting Bull of the Hunkpapa Lakota—not Chloe Kardashian, or the pop star Ke$ha.” Eventhough Cultural Appropriation might be offensive or negative; nonetheless, there are many people don’t realize the different between Culture Appropriation and Culture
Culture exchange happens when we exchange our culture to each other. It can occur everywhere especially, America, because people from hundreds of different ethnic backgrounds make up the America nation’s population. Cultural exchanges can take place between friends when we go to colleges or university in US. There are many different groups of people in school from Hispanic, African, Asian, etc. People can learn from each other by the way they live, eat or even do the handshake. For example, using chopstick, Asian people are well known with the use of chopstick, they use chopstick every time for their meal. As a result, people who are not Asian can learn how to use chopstick as well if they want to eat Asian food with the best way. We are living in the increasingly diverse world so “we” are almost of everything people participated, borrow aspects of other culture. For another example, White people have dreadlock. Dreadlock is mostly associated with black people specifically Jamaica’s people. Compare to wearing war bonnets, Dreadlock isn’t considered as offensive because it’s not a spiritual costume. Human allows to like and learn from the other culture. In contrast, if we are not allowed to learn from other culture so Black and White people should not allow to eat Asian food or even we should never come to other countries.
In conclusion, a culture borrowing from other cultures is bad if it steals what it 's borrowing, but that doesn 't always happen. Sometimes when a practice is adopted from one culture to another and is altered in the process, the result is something awesome and new. But sometimes, the result is something that 's just embarrassing and insulting.
Work Cited
Hopkins, R. (2010, January 1). As Pop Culture Phenomenon and the Perpetuation of Offensive American Indian Stereotypes. Retrieved from