Cultural Competency
HDFS 475
April 12, 2013
Cultural Competency There is a considerable amount of diversity in families all over the world, but there is also continuity. Core values, beliefs, rituals, and unique characteristics describes groups of people within a culture who live in a specific country, share religious values, have similar heritage, or are just grouped together for other reasons. It is important to understand that culture is more than just a “thing,” it is a dynamic process that shapes people and society today. Relating to individuals from various backgrounds effectively is essential to achieve cultural competence. Parenting practices, kinship, and family structures worldwide encourage the understanding of differences and also impact future work and communication with others.
Parenting is one of the most challenging tasks of adulthood and is defined in the text as a person who is responsible for the social, emotional, and physical growth and development of a child. It is central to the communication and expression of culture which differs parenting styles and practices from one family to the other (Myers-Walls, Bowman, & Posada 2006). The values that parents emphasize on their children will not only impact the future world, but will impact the children and family’s future work, play, and socialization within the community. Having an open mind and appreciating different cultures relating to ethical values is essential to parenting practices that is not familiar or subcultural to one’s own. Falicov explained four different positions that are considered when observing cultural issues among society: particularist, universalist, ethnic focused, and multidimensional. The universalist perspective explains that families of all cultures are more alike than different and that all parents assume the responsibility of a child that needs love, nurture, discipline, and control. This perspective may discourage
References: Kawamoto, W. T., Viramontez Anguiano, R.P. (2006). Asian and Latino Immigrant Families. In B. B. Ingoldsby & S. D. Smith (Eds.), Families in global and multicultural perspective (2nd ed., pp. 209-222). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Myers-Walls, J. A., Myers-Bowman, K. S., & Posada, G. (2006). Parenting Practices Worldwide. In B. B. Ingoldsby & S. D. Smith (Eds.), Families in global and multicultural perspective (2nd ed., pp. 147-163). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Olsen, J. Bhattacharya, J. & Scharf, S. (2006). Cultural competency: What is it and why it matters. Retrieved from California Tomorrow Website: Stanton, M.E. (2006). Patterns of Kinship and Residence. In B. B. Ingoldsby & S. D. Smith (Eds.), Families in global and multicultural perspective (2nd ed., pp. 79-94). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ,