Benefits for the delegate
By completing the Cultural Intelligence Learning Path, delegates will be able to:
Develop and maintain an understanding of the cultures of customers and colleagues
Cultural differences also become apparent in differing concepts of time. Is the scheduled time frame for a meeting set in stone, or does it allow for some flexibility? Will you jeopardize a business deal by arriving late, or is it perfectly acceptable to let family matters, for example, take precedence over busi During a business meeting, cultural differences in communication are likely to come to the fore. Try to adjust to the way your business partners communicate. It is essential for you to be aware of cultural differences in communication, e.g. to know the correct way of addressing and greeting your business partners, your boss and your colleagues. Always use last names and titles unless you are invited to do otherwise.ness appointments?
A popular example of cultural differences with regards to time is no doubt this: Everyone would agree that Germans are well-known for their punctuality. In many African and South American countries, however, scheduled appointments are often treated like a general guideline rather than something one has to strictly abide by.
Given these cultural differences where some cultures are more time-conscious than others, it is always best to be punctual at first and simultaneously adopt a relaxed attitude towards time management. Even if you are always on time, your business partners may not take the appointed time for a business meeting as seriously as you do. After a while, you will learn to adjust to cultural differences such as your business partners’ unique