The progress of humanity and human beings can be attributed to one important factor and that is the strong capability of human beings to understand and adapt to cultural differences. Respecting cultural differences has brought the human beings close together and has tied them in a strong bond. The conquering of the cultural differences has also introduced us to a new terminology, global economy, which is a global system of production, distribution and consumption. The world has become a singular unit because the pace of economic development has accelerated due to an increase in marketing not only at a local level, but also at a global level. Global marketing has conquered and crossed all the boundaries of cultural differences, and brought us together in a realistic global world. Global marketing can be defined as a complex and organized process of conceiving and then conveying an idea or a product to the international market. Global marketing has become a right hand tool of the global economy because it respects cultural differences, covers the barriers of cultural differences as and when required and boosts the global economy, simultaneously connecting the world with a closer and inter- dependent network.International trade has existed from time immemorial and cultural differences were not given importance in the past, but today’s world of global economy and global marketing cannot survive without paying heed to the most critical key of cultural differences because abiding by cultural differences gives an assured warranty of full-fledged success in any business.
Cultural differences exist because of many reasons. The three basic reasons of the cultural differences are-
1) People from different cultures perceive things in a different manner.
2) People from different cultures have different ideals and ideologies
3) People from different cultures have