I have decided to focus on the culture of Afghanistan as I believe it to have vast differences to our western culture. Afghanistan is located in Southern Asia, north and west of Pakistan and east of Iran. The population is roughly 29 million, the religion is Muslim and is separated into two sectors being Sunni Muslim 80% and Shi Muslim 19%. Pastu and Dari are the official languages spoken in Afghanistan. Muslim faith is not just a belief but also a strict lifestyle and the majority of Afghanis lives are governed by their religion being Islam.
Afghanistan has been a warring nation since 1978 and has suffered immense repression under the regime of the Taliban who are an extremley brutal and powerful …show more content…
A vast majority of Afghanistan women cannot read. Mainly women are subjected to domestic duties such as taking care of young children, cooking for the household and cleaning the house. In Australia women occupy approximetley 45% of the workforce as women have equal oppurtunities of acuring any educational level.
The role and status of men is to be protectors and providers for their family. They are the dominant descsion makers of the household. The percentage of men in Afghanistan Poltics is 75%, leaving the other 25% as women. This has only been since the Taliban was overthrown. In Australia the role of men does not designate them to being protectors and providers for their family. The gender roles can share these responsibilities equaly. The women in Australian parliament is of a much higher percentage in comparison to Afghanistan women.
Men and women hold etiquette in great esteem in Afghanistan and it is very different to that of Australian etiquette. The respect and obedience to elders are important values. Young people address elders not by name but by a title. Direct physical contact is avoided between men and women. Afghanies do not express affection in the way that Australians would. Their expression of affection is if they have not heard from a relative or friend for sometime it is customary to complain about not having received any news. Autralians express affection in a physical sense such as hugs and …show more content…
The general expectation by the family is to marry kin and have many sons. The incidence of marriage between cousins is high. In Australia marriage is a decision that is made by individuals and in most cases family do not play a signifigant part in the choice of partner.
Australia has a defence contingency in Afghanistan from 2001 to present in support of the United States who are wageing a war against the Taliban movement. The Taliban are a henious and brutal organization that controlled most of Afghanistan from 1996 till 2001. There was no constitution to their rules and they relied on the teachings of the Qu'ran. There was a huge emphasis on moral values and their core drive was to purify society which was excecuted in a brutal and unorthodox manner. If Individuals did not obey their rules they would be punished severely with beatings, amputations and public executions.
Australias interaction within Afghanistan was sucessfully overthrowing the Taliban by being an allie with the U.S.A. The Taliban are still present in Afghanistan to a small degree but the defence forces are still present too so they can flush the Talibans out. Afgahnistan is still a very war torn nation but are slowly gaining back some degree of order to becoming a freer