Student Name: Gina McGhee
Student ID: 200191255
Assessment Title: Tōu Ao/Tōku Ao
Assessment Code: WTTMD511.2
Kaiako: Taiki Kennedy
Due Date: 5 June 2013
Date Submitted:
Word Count:
Students please read and sign:
Plagiarism is the use of others work that is submitted as your own. This will lead to disciplinary action as outlined in Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Tikanga Ako.
I declare that the attached assignment is my original work and I have made a copy for my own records.
Signature_________________________________ Date_______________________
Received by the Kaiako Signature_________________________________ Date_______________________
He Mihi
E Te Pounamu o taku Manawa
Huri ake tō mata ki ngā Hau e Wha
Piki ake kake mai ki Te Tihi o Te Maunga Teitei
Whai haere atu ana Te Rau O Te Huia
Hei Piki Kotuku
Hei Mana mōhou
Hei pārure ī o wehi
Ki Te Ao Mārama
Ki Te Ao Hurihuri
Ki Te Ao Hou.
Tū mai rā, tū mai rā, tū mai rā
E te iwi e…Maranga mai, e oho ake ai, Awhinatia mai, awhina atu mai hei kaiarahi mo o tātou mokopuna ngā rangatahi o tenei Ao
Whakarongo mai, titiro mai
Nōhou te Ao,
Nōhou te Rangatiratanga
Nōhou te Mana Motuhake he taonga ī tuku iho na o tupuna
Kia Maia
Kia Toa
Kia Manawanui
E te Pounamu o taku Manawa………
Oh, Treasure of my heart
Turn your face to the Four Winds
Ascend to the Highest Mountain To Be Prestigous
To be Strong
To overcome your fears
In This World of Understanding
In this Everchanging World
In this New World
Stand up, Stand up, Stand up My People,…Rise up, Wake up, help our mokopuna, our rangatahi of this World
Listen, observe
This is your world
This is your Rangatiratanga
This is your Speciality
A gift passed on to you from your tupuna
Be courageous
Be strong
Be Steadfast to who you are
Oh, Treasure of my Heart…..
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