One of the most unique aspects of the United States is the diversity of its people. The Statue of Liberty states, “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” and America has indeed become an amalgam of people of different races, religions, and creeds. More commonly referred to as a “melting pot”, The U.S. houses more diverse groups than any country in the world. In order to better respond the needs of its assorted citizens, the American government has sought to learn about the characteristics of its people. To this end, the Census has been administered every ten years by the government since 1790. The Census provides the government with information ranging …show more content…
The Census notes, “People of Hispanic origin, in particular, were those who indicated that their origin was Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or some other Hispanic origin. For example, people who indicate that they are of Mexican origin may be either born in Mexico or of Mexican heritage. People of Hispanic origin may be of any race. In the 2000 Census, Hispanics could identify as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino. If they chose “other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino” they could write in their specific origin (e.g. Salvadoran or Dominican). Of the 12.5% of the total population that Hispanic comprised 7.3% was Mexican, 1.2% was Puerto Rican, 0.4% was Cuban, other 3.6%. While the total population in the United States increased by only 13.2% from the years 1990 to 2000, the Hispanic population increased by a whopping 57.9%. This growth can be attributed to a 52.9% growth of the Mexican population, 24.9% of the Puerto Rican population, 18.9% of the Cubans, and a 96.9% growth of Hispanics of other origins. Hispanic origin groups are highly concentrated; they are concentrated regionally by their specific origin. 43.5% of the total Hispanic population lives in the West, 32.8% in the South, 14.9% is in the Northeast, and 8.9% can be found in the Midwest. The racial makeup of the …show more content…
The exceptional growth of Hispanics in this country warrants more products of their heritage to be sold in stores. There should be a heightened sensitivity need that marketers must take into consideration. Also, it would be a wise decision for businesses and marketers to appeal to Hispanics even more so where there is a heavy population, as it will only increase sales of certain products. The Census and studies in racial demographics provides great insight into the current and future workings of this country. The United States is home to an impressive diversity of races in every region, and, through immigration, the extent of this diversity is dramatically rising. Moreover, there are indications that government is finally starting to recognize this diversity through precise racial identification on the