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Multicultural education is a plan or an approach, a scholastic improvement program, and a course of action. It integrates the conception that all scholars, despite of their race, ethnicity, and their cultural background, shall be allowed the same chance to learn in school. It is a transformation change to bring about a number of important differences in schools, and additional instructional organizations so that pupils from all cultural backgrounds, male, female, black, whites shall be allowed the same chance to be educated (Banks and Banks 2004).…
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Teaching cultural diversity in a classroom can be very difficult, but not impossible. One of the key areas that sometimes go without notice is working with families and developing curriculum together so that their culture becomes a learning forum as well. This will not only teach, but bring about a sense of pride and comfort so that collaboration will continue throughout the school year and beyond. With that being said it is not always easy. Unfortunately there is a lot of concern about whether or not many teachers have the proper knowledge or experience working in or living in diverse environments (Robinson & Clardy, 2011). One way of dealing with this is to integrate ways to approach cultural diversity throughout the teaching program. Once teachers are given the proper techniques then dealing with and approaching diversity will be much easier.…
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For example, if teaching a group for whom English may not be their first language, Teachers must find ways to communicate the subject that best meets the needs of the whole class, as well as individuals. This could be something as simple as avoiding the use of local or colloquial references.…
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Banks, J.A. (1995). Multicultural education: Historical, development, dimensions, and practice. In J.A. Banks and C.A. McGee-Banks (Eds.), Handbook of research on multicultural education (pp. 3-24). New York: MacMillan.…
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There a variety of differences amongst students in a classroom which include gender, socioeconomic, cultural, and ethnic differences. As a teacher, it is important to be aware of these differences in order to maximize the learning and development of all students. Dealing with children form various ethnic groups and cultures can be especially challenging. Teachers must be attentive towards students with cultural/ethnic differences, and may have to adapt their teaching styles in order to create a culturally inclusive classroom. For example, if a teaching was doing a lesson on music and art, he/she could play songs, and show artwork from various cultures. This would allow students to explore the different cultures they might not know much about, as well as make all the students feel included. However, this can be challenging task if a teacher has many students from various cultures. Additionally, as a teacher it would be challenging to make sure all of the students understand and respect each others…
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Identify and discuss three challenges involved with ensuring that teaching strategies are appropriate for culturally diverse children.…
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It is important to share your cultural with other people just so that they can learn from your people and create an understanding among people and how they live. This help reduces many misconception about different cultural and this help build a bridge of understanding between two people. Another good example of sharing our cultural at the beginning of each school year all new Anglo or African American teacher comes to our school district they experience a one week crash course on what life is like on the Navajo Reservation by having the spend several days and nights with a family in the remote desert of Arizona. They experience life with out electricity, running water and technology as well as share the experience of herding sheep or cattle, butching a sheep or farming crops. This experience for the young teacher is to show them what life is like for our young Navajo students. In Tucson, Arizona there is an elementary school does something similar with their teachers by allowing the new teachers to meet the families of their students at there home and spend sometime getting to know each other. This is helpful because the teacher become part of the family and the students relate better to the…
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With me becoming a first time teacher I believe that it is extremely important to be open to new cultures. I want my classroom to be a place students feel welcomed and where they want to share about their own backgrounds with others. There are a couple ways I believe I could achieve these goals. One is by bringing in elements from other races, another could be information books or stories about other cultures, and lastly the most important is to have lots of knowledge on other cultures than my own. Having a diverse classroom would be much easier to learn about different races and cultures. But, living in a small town its much harder to understand and learn about race that’s how I think books and stories would help in a smaller town. In the book Beyond heroes and holidays, the author mentions how she starts off her semester with their students asking them to describe some of their beliefs about teaching and about how society works (Lee, Menkart, & Okazawa-Rey, 2008).I believe this would be a great way to teach, as well as gain a new understanding to the students’ viewpoints on race. This activity is also something that students can see their views evolving throughout the year and will defiantly be something I will be using as a tool in the…
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Hosted by: BC School Trustees Association • 1580 W. Broadway, 4th Fl., Vancouver, BC V6J 5K9 • (604) 7342721…
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Diverse learners include students from racially, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse families and communities of socioeconomic status. If a teacher can act on the knowledge that research offers, they can realize the educational excellence we desire for all children. Schools within the United States generally provide students of diverse backgrounds with instruction quite different from that provided to students of mainstream backgrounds (ASCD, 2014).…
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What information about diversity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to others in ways that you may not have in the past?…
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First I begin with the belief that every student can learn if you use their Native language instead of English. As teachers we need to try and reach our students through a variety of ways and language is one way. But again the younger generation and I need to learn our language because we are stuck between not being fluent in English or Navajo. Integrating our language into our classrooms with English will help students become proficient English speakers. It is another way children could grasp the different content areas by relating it to our…
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basis in creating a general mix of a school’s diversity. Teachers can best establish an inclusive…
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Population diversity in America is huge since we consider the melting pot of the world. This is one place where we all are free without being prosecuted for who they are. Now I know that as I wrote that you might a went what, but that’s true. We are a country built on freedom of the sort. Diversity in the classroom impact on my student’s education is of the most important. The way we behave, learn and view the world is based on who we meet in life. Kids tend to become like copy cats to their friends and parents, monkey see monkey do. Also, how diverse a daycare is shown me how kids will preserve others as they get older. The best example I can find is how babies cry with each other, without knowing the other. It’s not until we put it into…
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I agree that cultural diversity needs to be included in all classrooms regardless of the racial composition of students. I also believe that multicultural education needs to be included in all parts of the curriculum throughout the school year. This needs to be done in a manner that does not promote stereotypes. Some teachers, wanting to know more about certain cultures, might ask students or their parents. But I feel that if we put too much attention to this subject especially to the children, it might make them feel that we are all different and that they have to be around only with “the people like them”.…
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