I became very interested in learning about cultural differences and similarities between peoples as I progressed in school, and have become increasingly absorbed in learning more about cultures’ languages and customs. I myself am bilingual and am currently learning Japanese in school, Korean, Arabic, and French outside of school. Very soon I will begin my life at university, where I hope to be immersed in as much cultural and racial diversity as I have seen up to now in all of my schools. Sexual and gender diversity has become increasingly important in my life and my immediate environment.
Having succeeded in my path to diversity, now that I will start the university life within a diverse world, I will have the opportunity to help other peers or people to comprehend diversity and help them adapt smoothly to a new culture. Anika’s legacy is exemplary in this regard. To integrate diverse cultures in a limited physical space can be challenging and she succeeded by means of Latin dances and other cultural manifestations, and joyful spirit to the community of