Alessandra Quartesan Monica Romis Francesco Lanzafame
The Institutional Capacity and Finance Department (ICF) of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) developed this study on cultural industries in LAC. The study was conducted under the supervision of Francesco Lanzafame, Housing & Urban Development specialist, by Alessandra Quartesan, Urban Development and Cultural Heritage consultant, and Monica Romis, Urban and Local Economic Development consultant. The research team interacted with relevant IDB staff and other international and regional experts in the sector. The study was funded through the IDB “Italian Trust Fund for Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development” to respond to a demand that the Bank received from LAC countries over the last few years. This working paper has the sole objective of contributing to the debate on a topic of importance to the region, and to elicit comments and suggestions from interested parties. The paper does not reflect the official position of the IDB.
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 1 Methodology .......................................................................................................................................... 2 PART I. CULTURAL INDUSTRIES AND DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................ 4 I. What Are Cultural Industries?........................................................................................................... 4 II. Economic Contribution of Cultural Industries................................................................................ 6 III. Local Development ......................................................................................................................... 8 IV. Cultural
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