1. Introduction
As businesses and firms grow in size, they are crossing borders and becoming multi-national companies. When the firms cross borders, several management strategies need to be aligned in accordance with the cross-cultural needs.
This assignment will examine two famous multi-national companies on their application of cultural aspects and analyze how successfully they have applied those aspects and reasons for their success.
Before proceeding with examination and analysis, let’s look what culture means.
According to Hodgetts and Luthans (2000), acquired knowledge will form values and behavior and subsequently influence the behavior of individuals or society.
According to this definition, culture can be learned. It can be adopted. Therefore, the successfulness of a cross-cultural company will depend on how much they have learned the culture of the host country.
2. Elements of culture
There are different types of cultures across the world and each culture has its unique essence. While defining the term ‘culture’, there are several elements that together constitute as the culture of a particular region or the culture of particular people. What are the elements of culture? Here is your answer: * Language: The various languages are essentially an important part of the culture. Read information about different languages. * Norms: Every society or every civilization has a set of norms, which are an inseparable part, and an important element of the culture. This can include the folkways, mores, taboos and rituals in a culture. * Values: The social values of a particular civilization are also considered as an element of the culture. The values of a culture often refer to the things to be achieved or the things, which are considered of great worth or value in a particular culture. * Religion and Beliefs: The religion and the beliefs of the people in a civilization play an important role