For instance, working as a personal assistant to people of many industries she improved her skills in business strategies and marketing. Her experience of working in restaurants on her teenager years developed her sense of functionality of a restaurant. From her volunteer to health institutions, she increased her ability to interact and empathize with people. Finally, her experience with Greenpeace not just increased her environmental consciousness, but polished her leadership skills a great deal.
Once Jessica adopted a vegan diet, she became very curious to know the options of vegan dishes that are available. Thus, she started to visit a variety of vegan restaurant. As result of such an inquisitive practice, she found out two things. First, she concluded that there are endless possibilities of vegan dishes. Second, she found out that although there are many choices of vegan restaurants, the market lacks vegan fast restaurants. From this findings , she got inspired to create a good-tasting vegan restaurant that is more accessible to the general public than those traditional dining vegan restaurants.
Today, Jessica Fernandes is using all her abilities, knowledges and talents towards her --------- project.
Jessica Fernandes reside in San Francisco,