Perhaps the biggest contributor to European imperialism was a pervasive feeling of elitism. The strongest of nations often felt that it was their right to continue being strong, and subjugation of the weak was necessary in doing so. Military leaders and bureaucrats traveled to foreign continents in an effort to thrive and expand. In the process of this, they learned more of native cultures, and found many of these foreign traditions to be distasteful. These individuals claimed to have a superior understanding of the native mind, and made decisions for the natives as a result of this. Imperialists suppressed the disliked practices through both …show more content…
To resolve this, leaders told the public that these foreign excursions, including the harsh measures taken in some of them, were necessary in order to create the foundations of peace and commerce. Individuals gathered to join the cause of imperialism in search of opportunity and seemingly recreational war. A great deal of imperial literature and media encouraged this mindset, and conveyed those serving the empire as courageous and patriotic. Many of these individuals acted in accordance with their own interests, and further alienated the