When celebrating birthdays in the Browns family circle birthday parties are planned according to who is celebrating the birthday. If it is a child’s party invitations are sent to friends at school, church, etcetera and it is held at the home or a place that host birthday parties. The children come and bring gifts and then participate in activities and play games. After that, food is served, the candles on the top of the birthday cake are lit everyone gathers around the birthday cake to sing the happy birthday song. The candles on the cake represent each year of the birthday person’s birth and he or she must blow out of all of them in one breath. The birthday person makes a wish, if they are successful of blowing all of the candles out with one blow, their birthday wishes will come true.
Birthdays for the teenagers are celebrated on a smaller scale with a closer group of friends. If a girl is turning sixteen, a big sweet sixteen party is held with dancing and music and the party is held at a rented venue where lots of guests are invited and they dress up as though they are going to the prom. Otherwise the teenagers and their friends will go to a restaurant, to the movies or just have birthday cake at home. Birthday parties are not held for adults unless it is a milestone birthday such as 21, 30, 40 or 50 that is being