However, although my family didn't have an issue with race or ethnicity, I would come across with other families (friends or neighbors) who did have a difficult time accepting others. I would hear negative remarks about the Latino population and Native American, both completely different . But as a child, every negative remark served me as an opportunity for educating myself, I remember reading on Native American's which are spiritual and harmonious people, I believe are prefer to be called American Indian, they have throughout time set history because of them being members of nations, tribes, or bands with sovereignty and treaty rights. Latinos, are a group I can relate more with, for I am Mexican. I was surprised to read that Latinos, by 2100 will make up 1/3 of the population. As a collective, Latinos range from Mexicans, Cuban, Puerto Rico, Central and South Americans...these individuals place a high value on …show more content…
What I learned in school, the media, and forming a part of two cultures, Mexican, and American, formed and created my own individualized way of thinking, living, and my own modified values. I ended up adopting both cultures, and ended up as an adult belonging to a different cultural group, a group of diverse individuals from different ethnic backgrounds, all connected thru music. The cultural group I currently belong to is that of those individuals who have a passion for dance; a love for Latin Ballroom Dancing. They have become my dancing family, consisting of people from Mexico, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Africa, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Asia and so on. I believe I belong to a rich cultural group which breaks the boundaries between ethnicity and race. Us dancers have become close and respect each other's