There are many types of people who are facing issues with adapting to everyday life. In the case of humanity, we change our habits and solutions to meet the necessities in order to survive. Since all of humanity is related in one way or another, it is certain that no culture is the same as another. This culture that is learned is important to health care professionals because the people that belong to one culture may not share the same aspects as another on health care. Culture is one of the most common issues that health care providers face in order to deliver quality health care. There is no right or wrong side to culture as there is no single definition to the word culture. When many people discuss culture they either use too simple of explanation that does not have any meaning or they leave out a lot of valuable aspects. One definition that is used all too often is the values, beliefs, and customs card that people claim is the description of a certain group of people. In a more realistic aspect, there is a special diversity that changes from group to group and the culture shows how each group perceives its health care. Along with each group, is the practice of how privacy and information is protected and passed along. In some circumstances, this shows how the different cultures dictate their decisions on the health care world. One issue that culture and health care are affected is religion. Religion can be considered many ideas, practices, values, or even by belief. It is ironic that many religions truth lies with the cult, sect, or church in which is practicing it. It is this religion that gives a person a reference in which to organize their information. Religious teachings help to present a philosophy to the public in which a religious practice is associated. The information that ties an outsider to a religion is also one of which the religion and its followers are inseparable. In some religions, the people believe
References: Leininger, M. 1995. Transcultural Nursing: Theories, Concepts, and Practices. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved on February 7th, 2011 from Levin, S. J., R. C. Like, and J. E. Gottlieb. 2000. “Appendix: Useful Clinical Interviewing Mnemonics.” Patient Care Special Issue, “Caring for Diverse Populations: Breaking Down Barriers,” May 15, 2000, p. 189. Retrieved on February 7th, 2011 from Lipson, J. G., Dibble, S. L., and Minarik, P.A. 1996. Culture & Nursing Care: A Pocket Guide. San Francisco: UCSF Nursing Press. Retrieved on February 7th, 2011 from Parker-Pope, T (July2009). How Cultural Background Effects Health. The New York Times. Retrieved on February 7th, 2011 from