The Culture War is a clash of ideas about what one believes to be true, and others with different view points. Some experiences, families, friends, education, and the media helped to form a belief system or what’s known as a World View. A World View determines where you stand in Culture War. Believe it or not, everyone has a world view. Your basic beliefs form your world view of things, placing you on one side of the world or another.
For the past 150 years new ideas and discoveries in science have challenged the traditional Christian World View, that God created the Earth, Sun, Moon, the stars and all life on Earth. Dr. D. James Kennedy has said, "The Cultural War is a difference in the World Viewpoints between believers and non-believers of Christ."
The Cultural War has been formed and defined by a number of discovers and new theories that were developed in the 19th and 20th centuries, that have molded the present day mind set of American Society. New discoveries in the past ten years are casting some doubt on theories of the past two centuries. While some are eager to latch onto the new ideas, many others are still holding onto the old ideas and values of the past. A recent national poll that asked, "Do you believe there is a God?" Eighty five percent of Americans that answered the question, said "Yes" they do believe in a supreme being, which becomes a central world view defining the Culture War in America.