*Derived from the Latin word cultura or cultus, meaning care or cultivation
2.) The Components/Elements of Culture
*Material Culture – includes the physical objects, things people create and use
*Non-material Culture – elements termed as: a.) Language – influences people’s way of perceiving, behaving, and feeling, and thus, tends to define and shape the world around them. b.) Beliefs – are ideas that people hold about the universe or any part of the total reality. c.) Values – are shared ideas about desirable goals. These make up human judgments of what is moral and immoral, good or bad, etc. d.) Norms – are shared rules of conduct that specify how people ought to think and act.
> Mores – are associated with strong ideas of right and wrong. These are standards of conduct that are highly respected and valued by the group and their fulfilment is felt to be necessary and vital to group welfare. They represent obligatory behaviour.
> Folkways – are norms that are simply normal, customary, and habitual ways a group does things. These are accumulated and become repetitive patterns of expected behaviour, which tend to become traditions.
> Laws – are rules that are enforced and sanctioned by the authority of the government.
3.) The Characteristics of Culture a.) Culture is learned. – That culture is culture and developed by human beings implies that it is learned, through the process of interaction. b.) It is shared. – Culture could be impossible for a person to acquire total experience and knowledge of the whole group or society. c.) It is cumulative. – It has a tendency to grow and expand. Newly acquired knowledge is added