Culture of different countries: Hofstede (1980) and his power distance rating.
Nestle – have offices in Switzerland and the Phillipines, and need to implement changes from top down in the Phillipines compared to Switzerland – as there is a high power distance (Hofstede 1980) so the staff would not take note of the changes if it was not communicated from Management
NHS – trying to implement similar culture to Virginia Mason, which is based on the Toyota Production System, which is a successful example of the Japanese culture that has influenced other organizations in different countries.
Disneyland – failed to take into account difference in culture between France and USA when opening Eurodisney; meant that to begin with park was a failure.
Culture of different organisations: Kotter (1995) 8th step of change – ‘to make change stick, it has to become part of the culture’.
“People are the most important factor in making change; however they are the most difficult element to deal with” Linstone and Mitroff 1994.
“change management mans much more than changing the chart… it means changing the nature of the orgaisation, and this involves people… in good times or bad the key to success is good communication within the company” Murdoch 1998
FIFA (2011) – employ a process culture (Deal and Kennedy 1982) which means that they are ‘overly cautious’ and ‘get bogged down with red tape’... this lead to them rejecting England’s request to wear poppys on shirts.
Ford (2011) – Change in culture – “Mulally laid the groundwork. He cut brands and put in place a system that encourages managers to stay on top of market changes and other issues and communicate more openly with each other. It was a radical change at company known for vicious infighting, where managers who pointed out problems were demonized. The healthier communication in Ford's top ranks means it's much more likely the company will hire its next CEO from within the company