What is your opinion about eating toasted ants, about eating fried frog legs, about eating puppies and kittens? About eating raw monkey brains? If you were reared in U.S. society, more than likely you think eating frog legs is okay; eating ants is disgusting, and eating dogs, cats, and monkey brains is downright repugnant. How would you apply the concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism to your perception of these customs?
Using your textbook and additional resources, write a two - three page paper addressing the issues of cultural diversity and diet. Be certain to use all three major sociological theories - functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionism - in your analysis as well as the terms ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.
* The thought of eating toasted ants, fried frog legs, monkey’s brains, puppies and kittens is disturbing in the culture that I am used to. However, it is justifiably in many cultures out there; therefore in that case, my opinion is indeed relative.
Cultural relativism is the view that individual beliefs and values systems are culturally relative. That is, no one ethnic group has the right to say that their particular system of beliefs and values is in any way better than anyone else’s system of beliefs and values. What may be right for one culture might be wrong for another. There is no absolute standard of right and wrong by which to compare and contrast morally conflicting cultural values. We cannot possibly understand the actions of other groups including their eating habits if we analyze them in terms of our own motives, and values. We must interpret their behavior in the light of their motives, and values if we are to understand the (Hunt, 2004).
The theory of cultural relativism can be used to explain why the functionalist theory is applied to certain societies; the activities that they perform are done so