where my passion for older adults play an important part. I want to provide proper aid for older adults who cannot do it for themselves and to show them that someone does care about their problems. Older adults may also face the problem of intersectionality and othering as they get even older every year. Being older, being a female, being in a minority group and being single all factor into how they are able to obtain resources they need to live an optimal lifestyle. I know that I cannot tackle every single problem that are presented in the older adult population, however, I can partake in the field that will addressed the majority of the issues.
History of Geriatrics
An American physician Ignatz Leo Nascher coined the term “geriatrics” in 1909, which was derived from “geronte”, a group of man over 60 years of age that ran the legislative council (gerousia) of Athens (2). Dr. Nascher’s interest for the older adults was influenced after a trip to Austria, where the care for older adults was flourished at the time. Another person who played a major role in the gerontology field was Dr. Robert N. Butler and he was given the title of “Father of Modern Gerontology”. Dr. Butler was the person who coined the term “ageism” in order to raise the awareness of systematic discrimination against older adults (2). Dr. Butler also played a major role in the gerontological field as he was appointed as the first director of National Institute on Aging in 1970s and established the first comprehensive department of geriatric department at an American medical school. Since then, the field of geriatrics emerged with doctors and nurses being specialized to work intensively with patients ages 60 and older.
Training of Geriatricians
In order to become a geriatrician, individuals must obtain a bachelor degree first and then a medical degree from an accredited medical school. After completing obtaining an M.D., or D.O. degree, individuals can complete a residency training program for 3-4 years in a hospital or clinic setting (3). Afterwards, individuals will have to take their board certification test in order to prove that they are competent enough in the field (3). The test is not specific towards any specialization in the medical field, however, the score determines where individuals are placed in a fellowship program (3). After completing the fellowship program in geriatric, individuals will need to obtain a certification in geriatric medicine in order for them to practice independently (3). However, it has also been found that not many medical students are choosing the specialty field of geriatrics.