Near the end of the story when Walid and Adam are confronted by the Prime Minister of Abudai, Adam is told about the reward that was put out to find him. He then gets an idea to give Walid the money.” I think if anyone’s going to get a reward for rescuing me, then it should be Walid ”(Mason 201). After the whole getting lost ordeal Adam had bonded with the recently revealed Emir and had grown to like him. Adam truly believed that he would not have made it out alive if it were not for his trusty companion, and offered to give the reward out of thanks. There were many elements of culture in Camel Rider, the most prominent being language,economy, and religion. Adam understanding of the strict rules of Islam and cooperating with the indecisive Walid. The overcoming of the language barrier to keep on moving toward the common goal. Walid offered money from Adam after he had “saved” the latter from the harsh wilderness. The novel goes to show that despite the fact that people may be different in many ways, they can get to understand each other and work
Near the end of the story when Walid and Adam are confronted by the Prime Minister of Abudai, Adam is told about the reward that was put out to find him. He then gets an idea to give Walid the money.” I think if anyone’s going to get a reward for rescuing me, then it should be Walid ”(Mason 201). After the whole getting lost ordeal Adam had bonded with the recently revealed Emir and had grown to like him. Adam truly believed that he would not have made it out alive if it were not for his trusty companion, and offered to give the reward out of thanks. There were many elements of culture in Camel Rider, the most prominent being language,economy, and religion. Adam understanding of the strict rules of Islam and cooperating with the indecisive Walid. The overcoming of the language barrier to keep on moving toward the common goal. Walid offered money from Adam after he had “saved” the latter from the harsh wilderness. The novel goes to show that despite the fact that people may be different in many ways, they can get to understand each other and work