Our school represents a very positive impression in the district. There are nineteen other middle schools in the district and we try to excel to be the best. We are always striving to enhance our students learning, by incorporating new ideas. My school believes the success of students depends on the quality instruction of teachers. …show more content…
Culture is both a product and a process (Bolman & Deal, 2013). As a product, it depends on wisdom from experience. As a process, it depends on newcomers to learn the old ways and become teachers themselves. My school has now been open three years and we have had people come and go. In my time there, the school has tried to build a culture of safe learning for all students. The success of students is the top priority and the new teacher’s must learn this quickly. It is important for schools to build a culture that is shaped by beliefs, values and customs. If a school is able to build this culture they will become