Understanding that being loyal is important to Afghan culture is …show more content…
By understanding the system, the reader would understand why Hazaras are treated horribly, and that is important to understanding The Kite Runner. In the novel , Amir is a Pashtun and Hassan is a Hazara. Pashtuns are higher class, the majority, and are treated like royalty. Hazaras on the other hand, are servants, the minority and are treated like they are worthless. In the novel, Hassan is picked on because of his religion by the bully, Assef. “ … youre nothing but an ugly pet. Something he can play with when he is bored, something he can kick when he's angry. Don't ever fool yourself and think you're something more” ( Hosseini , 2005 , p. 72 ). He is only treated so brutally because of his religion, something that he has no control over. In Afghanistan, this is normal. The Kite Runner is a great way for readers to become exposed to the reality of Afghan culture. Another way the caste system plays a role in this novel is when Amir is reading a story to Hassan that he made up and his friend shows that there is a plot hole in his story. This statement shocks Amir and causes him to have dark thoughts about his friend. “ What does he know, that illiterate Hazara? He’ll never be anything but a cook. How dare he criticize you? “ ( Hosseini , 2005 , pg. 34 ). This is important because it shows how poorly Hazaras are treated, and they are only treated this way because of the caste system. Understanding the Afghan culture is very important not only for comprehending the novel, but it also applies to everyday